The Popgoes Pizzeria Wikia
TBonnieItsme "IT'S ME"
This article contains information that is cancelled, scrapped or no longer canon to the POPGOES lore.

The identities of both characters were lost during their transition to a new restaurant, resulting in the nicknames The Puppet and The Reject. Nobody remembers The Reject. Apart from Jeremy Fitzgerald.
― Kane Carter

The Reject was a cancelled character set to appear in POPGOES 2: The Dead Forest.


In an old version of POPGOES 2, there were two variants of The Puppet: Glarionette (Glad) and Sarionette (Sad). The Puppet that you see in FNAF2 is the member of the duo who survived through positive attention and feedback from customers. Sarionette, unfortunately, did not live to see the light of 1987. The identities of both characters were lost during their transition to a new restaurant, resulting in the nicknames The Puppet and The Reject. Nobody remembers The Reject. Apart from Jeremy Fitzgerald. This character, and the majority of this place in the story, is completely wiped out. He doesn't exist anymore.
― Kane Carter


The Reject has a black mask with a white eye, a rosy red cheek, a red bottom lip, a wide frown, and a purple tear track going down from his eye to his mouth. Its body is white, tall and thin, with three buttons on the chest and black stripes on its arms and legs. It has three fingers on each hand and no feet. Its mask is half cracked, revealing five buttons obscured behind it.


  • The Reject's story was identical to JJ's, who later went onto replace him.[1]



Popgoes Animatronics Popgoes the WeaselBlake the BadgerSara the SquirrelSaffron the SquirrelStone the Crow
Special Animatronics BlackrabbitGem StoneGrave StoneStrings/Frayed StringsSimon/Fractured Simon/DeadlineLux AnimatronicsButtonsManora the Mouse
Freddy's Animatronics Freddy FazbearBonnie the BunnyChica the ChickenFoxy the PirateThe PuppetFredbearSpring BonnieBalloon BoyJJSpringtrapGolden FreddyLillie the LambOwen the OwlCody the CoyoteShadow FreddyGlitch BonnieShadow Bonnie
Epitome Animatronics Epitome PopgoesEpitome BlakeEpitome SaraEpitome SaffronEpitome Stone
Heartless Animatronics Heartless PopgoesHeartless BlakeHeartless SaraHeartless SaffronHeartless StoneReprinted Animatronics
Humans Fritz GladeBonnie GladeSimon FitzgeraldMike SchmidtMike Schmidt Jr.Phone DudeJanet Davis
Scrapped Content Morse the MoleX AnimatronicsDreamcatcher AnimatronicsGenerated PopgoesThe RejectNox Animatronics