The Popgoes Pizzeria Wikia
FNaF1 icon "I love a good horror story and that’s not how you tell one, know what I mean?"
This article contains information that explain the POPGOES' interpretation of the characters and events that origin from the Five Nights at Freddy's series. This interpretation can be contradictionary with the original series and should not be used as the evidence toward its lore.

Were you looking for The Puppet (Evergreen), the reboot version of The Puppet?

The Puppet is a puppet mascot used at both Fredbear's Family Diner and the New Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.


The Puppet is a character of strange design, based loosely on a mime artist. He was described as an "experimental project" by the creator of Fredbear's Family Diner, and was arbitrarily introduced into the location as an addition to Fredbear's stage.
During his time at Fredbear's Family Diner, The Puppet had no robotic parts at all. He only moved when being puppeteered by Fredbear if he was being worn by a performer.
Despite his odd design, The Puppet became a fan favourite among customers. When the diner closed down, The Puppet was preserved and then reused for the "New Freddy Fazbear's Pizza" in 1987.

― The Puppet's Memory Card


The Puppet has a white mask with black eyes, rosy red cheeks, red lips, a wide smile, and two purple tear tracks going down from its eyes to her mouth. Its body is black and tall in thin, with three buttons on the chest and white stripes on its arms and legs. It has three fingers on each hand and no feet.


The Puppet was created sometime in the 1970's as an "experimental project" for Fredbear's Family Diner. He was placed alongside Fredbear and could be puppeteered by him. Fredbear's Family Diner later closed and the Puppet was kept for later use.

The Puppet was later reused at the New Freddy Fazbear's Pizza in 1987. Although it was placed alongside the other new Toy Animatronics, it is unknown if it had the same features as them such as facial recognition and connection to criminal databases. It is also unknown if Simon Fitzgerald tampered with the Puppet like the other Toy Animatronics to continue with his murders, as this tampering made the Toys more aggressive towards adults or staff members.

During a birthday party, Jeremy Fitzgerald was guarding the animatronics and was mistaken for his brother by Toy Bonnie. This resulted in him biting Jeremy in the frontal lobe, leaving him hospitalized and with memory loss. The restaurant was then closed, along with the Toy Animatronics being scrapped, which most likely including the Puppet as well.

Over 30 years later, The Puppet's mask was reused at Fazbear's Fright as a prop. The location eventually burned down and resulted in the remaining items being sold at an auction to Fritz Glade.

POPGOES Arcade 2[]

In Fazbear World: The Phantom Scrourge, The Puppet appears as Lord Puppet, the ruler of the Fazbear world. He is the most powerful enemy in the game, having 750 HP and 30 Attack Power. He requires all four character masks of Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy in order to access it's realm as well as defend against it's attacks.


You know, it's soothing to know that you're only here because of your companions.
You're not here because you're stronger. You're not here because you worked hard.
You're here because you're lucky.
And I can sense, even now, you're not alone.
Good luck.
― Before the fight.
Goodness gracious, little girl! You did it!
It appears the curse has been lifted! And what a sight that battle was.
You've earned a very honorable reputation around the factions, I've seen. Very noble, very courageous.
You've done well. You're a hero, and I think you know it!
I have to thank you for what you've done. There is nothing left for you to fight, which means we are finally at peace again.
Thank you, JJ, for defeating The Phantom Scourge!
― After the fight.


  • The reason the Puppet does not appear with the other Toy Animatronics in the Minigames is because Fritz no longer feared the Puppet after using Strings to defeat him in his mind.



Popgoes Animatronics Popgoes the WeaselBlake the BadgerSara the SquirrelSaffron the SquirrelStone the Crow
Special Animatronics BlackrabbitGem StoneGrave StoneStrings/Frayed StringsSimon/Fractured Simon/DeadlineLux AnimatronicsButtonsManora the Mouse
Freddy's Animatronics Freddy FazbearBonnie the BunnyChica the ChickenFoxy the PirateThe PuppetFredbearSpring BonnieBalloon BoyJJSpringtrapGolden FreddyLillie the LambOwen the OwlCody the CoyoteShadow FreddyGlitch BonnieShadow Bonnie
Epitome Animatronics Epitome PopgoesEpitome BlakeEpitome SaraEpitome SaffronEpitome Stone
Heartless Animatronics Heartless PopgoesHeartless BlakeHeartless SaraHeartless SaffronHeartless StoneReprinted Animatronics
Humans Fritz GladeBonnie GladeSimon FitzgeraldMike SchmidtMike Schmidt Jr.Phone DudeJanet Davis
Scrapped Content Morse the MoleX AnimatronicsDreamcatcher AnimatronicsGenerated PopgoesThe RejectNox Animatronics