The Popgoes Pizzeria Wikia

Stone Charger is one of the rooms in The Warehouse. It would appear in the POPGOES 2: The Dead Forest.


Stone Charger is a small room full of a charging machines intended for Stone and a 3D Printer. The room leads the South Office to Fritz' Office.


This room was used by Epitome Stone, where he would sit deactivated behind the player. He would slowly exit his charging pod, walking closer and closer to the South Office. When he was close enough, you would need to print BB's mask from the 3D Printer at the back of the room.[1]


  • The Chargers were originally used for the Popgoes Animatronics, but Simon modified them for the Epitomes.
  • The Chargers were originally designed to look like tree roots, but the design was changed to give it a more futuristic look.



The Popgoes Pizzeria (2016/Evergreen)
Restaurant Art RoomBirthday RoomPrize RoomArcade RoomHallwayKitchenParty RoomServer RoomParts & ServiceScrapped Parts & ServicesStaff RoomThe Diner (Station) • Car ParkVentilation SystemFritz' Office
The Warehouse Fritz' OfficeSouth OfficeNorth OfficeItem StorageCenter HallBoiler RoomBot AssemblyElectronicsLeft CorridorRight CorridorPopgoes & Sara ChargersBlake & Saffron ChargersStone Charger
Freddy's Locations Fredbear's Family DinerFreddy Fazbear's PizzaCody's Pirate TavernFazbear's Fright
POPGOES Arcade The GardenWest ForestSouth ForestEast ForestNorth ForestThe Castle