The Popgoes Pizzeria Wikia
FNaF1 icon "I love a good horror story and that’s not how you tell one, know what I mean?"
This article contains information that explain the POPGOES' interpretation of the characters and events that origin from the Five Nights at Freddy's series. This interpretation can be contradictionary with the original series and should not be used as the evidence toward its lore.

Spring Bonnie is the entertainer and a mascot of Fredbear's Family Diner and the predecessor of Bonnie the Bunny, making his first appearance in a released game with POPGOES Finale. Spring Bonnie is a springlock suit, that would later become Springtrap after the springlock failure incident that killed Simon Fitzgerald.


Spring Bonnie (namely simply "Bonnie" originally) was one of the main animatronics of Fredbear's Family Diner. Like his counterpart, he has golden fur and brown accents. He shared his stage with JJ during his time at Fredbear's Family Diner.
Like Fredbear, Spring Bonnie has a spring lock system that allows his shell to be worn by some employees. A Spring Bonnie suit from a Fazbear location was the disguise of choice for the Purple Man, a famous killer who targeted children for their youthful blood.
Rumours say that the Purple Man chose to dress as Spring Bonnie due to his characteristic of being on stage with JJ, who is modeled after a young girl.

― Spring Bonnie's Memory Card

Appearance []

Spring Bonnie is the original version of Bonnie the Bunny. He has a brown bowtie and nose, along with a single button near the top of his chest. He has green eyes and long, narrow ears.


Spring Bonnie was created to perform in Fredbear's Family Diner somewhere in the late 70's. He shared a stage with JJ. In POPGOES Finale's Memory 1, Spring Bonnie appears on stage. He has a control panel that has to be accessed with a key. A young Fritz Glade breaks into Fredbear's Family Diner and uses Spring Bonnie's control panel, leading to Spring Bonnie shoving JJ off the stage, breaking the animatronic.

In Freddy Fazbear's, Simon Fitzgerald wore Spring Bonnie to kidnap and kill children, in order to take their blood.


  • The POPGOES Memories render of Spring Bonnie was used in an early teaser of Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted, traced by Steel Wool's digital artists as part of the game's cover art. The traced render was later replaced with an official render of Nightmarionne, at Scott Cawthon's request.



Popgoes Animatronics Popgoes the WeaselBlake the BadgerSara the SquirrelSaffron the SquirrelStone the Crow
Special Animatronics BlackrabbitGem StoneGrave StoneStrings/Frayed StringsSimon/Fractured Simon/DeadlineLux AnimatronicsButtonsManora the Mouse
Freddy's Animatronics Freddy FazbearBonnie the BunnyChica the ChickenFoxy the PirateThe PuppetFredbearSpring BonnieBalloon BoyJJSpringtrapGolden FreddyLillie the LambOwen the OwlCody the CoyoteShadow FreddyGlitch BonnieShadow Bonnie
Epitome Animatronics Epitome PopgoesEpitome BlakeEpitome SaraEpitome SaffronEpitome Stone
Heartless Animatronics Heartless PopgoesHeartless BlakeHeartless SaraHeartless SaffronHeartless StoneReprinted Animatronics
Humans Fritz GladeBonnie GladeSimon FitzgeraldMike SchmidtMike Schmidt Jr.Phone DudeJanet Davis
Scrapped Content Morse the MoleX AnimatronicsDreamcatcher AnimatronicsGenerated PopgoesThe RejectNox Animatronics