The Popgoes Pizzeria Wikia
The Popgoes Pizzeria Wikia

Scrapped Parts & Services is a hidden room accessible through a hidden doors in the Parts & Service area.


It is unknown what this room would've actually looked like since there were two pieces of concept art for it, neither of which ended up making it in the finished product since that ended up being cancelled.


Scrapped Parts & Services is being used to store all scrapped and abandoned designs of the animatronics. It stores the Prototype masks and finished pieces of Manora the Mouse. The room was originally a backstage area for manual operation of the animatronics on stage before their acts were wirelessly controlled.

During the Sec-Buttons gameplay of Pre-Reprinted POPGOES 2: The Dead Forest, Scrapped Parts and Services would be accessible to unlock and enter through a very complicated procedure. Getting to it would allow you to collect Manora the Mouse's Memory Card.





The Popgoes Pizzeria (2016/Evergreen)
Restaurant Art RoomBirthday RoomPrize RoomArcade RoomHallwayKitchenParty RoomServer RoomParts & ServiceScrapped Parts & ServicesStaff RoomThe Diner (Station) • Car ParkVentilation SystemFritz' Office
The Warehouse Fritz' OfficeSouth OfficeNorth OfficeItem StorageCenter HallBoiler RoomBot AssemblyElectronicsLeft CorridorRight CorridorPopgoes & Sara ChargersBlake & Saffron ChargersStone Charger
Freddy's Locations Fredbear's Family DinerFreddy Fazbear's PizzaCody's Pirate TavernFazbear's Fright
POPGOES Arcade The GardenWest ForestSouth ForestEast ForestNorth ForestThe Castle