The Popgoes Pizzeria Wikia
TBonnieItsme "IT'S ME"
This article contains information that is cancelled, scrapped or no longer canon to the POPGOES lore.

The Nox Animatronics were a group of abstract hallucinations created by Simon. They were supposed to be enemies in the 3D minigame sections of POPGOES 1: The Blackrabbit.

Appearance []

The Nox Animatronics are the counterparts of the Lux Animatronics. Just like Luxes, they were supposed to be a special version of The Popgoes Pizzeria animatronics, but black.

According to the minigame mockup image released, they'd appear to be black versions of the Popgoes animatronics, with their eyes and mouths glowing in their respective character's power color.


The Nox Animatronics would appear in the minigames of POPGOES 1: The Blackrabbit as enemies, preventing you from changing into Lux Animatronics.

Story []

Not much is known about the Nox Animatronics.

Trivia []

  • The prefix "Nox" is a Latin word for "night".
    • This is a contrast to the prefix "Lux" being a Latin word for "light", signifying the difference between the Lux Animatronics and the Nox Animatronics.
  • A leaker has released renders of fake Nox Epitome animatronics, inspired by a material test shared on Discord by the development team. Kane Carter confirmed said Nox Epitomes weren't going to appear in the game.
  • The 3D Minigames the Nox animatronics were meant to appear and were designed after the web series Petscop.

Popgoes Animatronics Popgoes the WeaselBlake the BadgerSara the SquirrelSaffron the SquirrelStone the Crow
Special Animatronics BlackrabbitGem StoneGrave StoneStrings/Frayed StringsSimon/Fractured Simon/DeadlineLux AnimatronicsButtonsManora the Mouse
Freddy's Animatronics Freddy FazbearBonnie the BunnyChica the ChickenFoxy the PirateThe PuppetFredbearSpring BonnieBalloon BoyJJSpringtrapGolden FreddyLillie the LambOwen the OwlCody the CoyoteShadow FreddyGlitch BonnieShadow Bonnie
Epitome Animatronics Epitome PopgoesEpitome BlakeEpitome SaraEpitome SaffronEpitome Stone
Heartless Animatronics Heartless PopgoesHeartless BlakeHeartless SaraHeartless SaffronHeartless StoneReprinted Animatronics
Humans Fritz GladeBonnie GladeSimon FitzgeraldMike SchmidtMike Schmidt Jr.Phone DudeJanet Davis
Scrapped Content Morse the MoleX AnimatronicsDreamcatcher AnimatronicsGenerated PopgoesThe RejectNox Animatronics