The Popgoes Pizzeria Wikia
POPGOES 2 Banner "We're going to try making it all over again..."
This article contains information from the pre-reboot version of the lore. It follows POPGOES and POPGOES Reprinted's storyline, but does not appear in POPGOES Evergreen's storyline.

Janet Davis is one of the victims of The Purple Man. She was kidnapped on the November 13th, 1986.



Janet Davis was born on the November 12th, 1981. A day after her fifth birthday, she was spotted missing near one of the Freddy Fazbear's Pizza restaurants in Texas. She was kidnapped by The Purple Man, and her blood was used in Simon's experiments. Her body was never found.


  • Janet Davis is the only victim of The Purple Man to have a name revealed.



Popgoes Animatronics Popgoes the WeaselBlake the BadgerSara the SquirrelSaffron the SquirrelStone the Crow
Special Animatronics BlackrabbitGem StoneGrave StoneStrings/Frayed StringsSimon/Fractured Simon/DeadlineLux AnimatronicsButtonsManora the Mouse
Freddy's Animatronics Freddy FazbearBonnie the BunnyChica the ChickenFoxy the PirateThe PuppetFredbearSpring BonnieBalloon BoyJJSpringtrapGolden FreddyLillie the LambOwen the OwlCody the CoyoteShadow FreddyGlitch BonnieShadow Bonnie
Epitome Animatronics Epitome PopgoesEpitome BlakeEpitome SaraEpitome SaffronEpitome Stone
Heartless Animatronics Heartless PopgoesHeartless BlakeHeartless SaraHeartless SaffronHeartless StoneReprinted Animatronics
Humans Fritz GladeBonnie GladeSimon FitzgeraldMike SchmidtMike Schmidt Jr.Phone DudeJanet Davis
Scrapped Content Morse the MoleX AnimatronicsDreamcatcher AnimatronicsGenerated PopgoesThe RejectNox Animatronics