The Popgoes Pizzeria Wikia
The Popgoes Pizzeria Wikia
RED EYES... I'm seeing things.

Strings' Sticky Note
First Night Second Night Third Night Fourth Night Fifth Night Sixth Night Good Night
Fourth night

Fourth Night is the fourth playable night of POPGOES.


This night introduces Stone's window mechanics.

Phone Calls[]

Blakebutton Show
Hello again, I’ve decided to take some breaks between recording these calls. Not many are left, but still, I didn't think it’d be this stressful. I’ve just got some notes, not a script or anything. I feel like I might be talking too much about things that are obvious to you so I’m just gonna wing this one. I think at this point you must be pretty confident with your job now. If you could even call it that. I think now might be a good time for you to know a little more about me. I have a feeling that you might be curious, am I wrong? Right then, I was born in November 1968 in Texas, lived a fine life up until my teens. Had no real problems with my family, but we weren’t exactly rich. My father was an architect at the time and my mother stayed home with my brother and I. Until the 80’s, we lived in the flat or... I suppose it would have been called an apartment over there. It was pretty decent I think but, honestly, I can’t remember much. I had an accident in my teens, stuff I... really don’t want to talk about. Please don’t ask. I might explain it in a later call or something if there is... time. Anyway, fortunately, I survived the injury, believe it or not. It was all down to a very generous donor of blood. The whole thing was pretty strange and vague for us but all I know was that a small team of people, or maybe it was just one person that was willing to give tons of blood to the hospital and after an entire encyclopedia of signed papers, the transfusion was allowed on behalf the procedure being an experiment. I was close to death, bear in mind. I lost most of my memory from before the incident and the whole event caused a huge stir in the media. I was 18 and with the state, I was in, the paparazzi wasn’t the best treatment, you know. So I sorted out something out with my parents, and we moved here to England. So, uh... hopefully on top of being a security guard, you can be a friend too. I wanted to get some of these stories off my chest for a while since, uh, I don’t have many people to share them with, and my daughter’s kinda busy most of the time. Just someone I need to talk to, and of course, listen to. So go ahead. What do you want to talk about?

Fritz Glade

Option 1[]

How can you afford all this?

Blakebutton Show
Oh yeah. So this place looks significantly expensive to run, I’m sure. Especially for one person, right? Well, it is. Thousands of pounds put in and out of this place every day. It’s still a little independent café kind of thing, but the technology does make it seem professional, I suppose. Money isn’t really an issue to me anymore I’ve sold stuff before the pizzeria was opened, mainly based around robotics, machinery and whatnot, and of course the pizzeria itself brings in a significant amount of cash to go back to the ingredients, electricity, materials for the printers, etc. As I mentioned earlier, Popgoes does most of the work, so I don’t need to hire a cleaner or a chef. I also got a decent amount of money from the injury I mentioned. I can’t remember how that worked, but I’d rather avoid mentioning it in case it was a mistake and they want it back. Anyway, hope that cleared it up, good question. See you tomorrow.

Fritz Glade

Option 2[]

What else have you made?

Blakebutton Show
What else have I made? Hmm... Well, this recordings system is over 5 hours left on it but, I still don't think there’s enough time to cover everything I’ve made. It’s been a hell of a good hobby for over a decade now. I’ll try to go over some of the more interesting things though. In 2019, I made a self-driving car in my garage. The technology isn’t that impressive nowadays, I know, but it was an amazing feat. Looked like garbage, but it worked. Since then, it's been modified to be road safe and now my daughter uses it. Back in the late 90’s, I made a few electric guitars and sold them to a secondary school and in 2016, I made a video game with Bonnie’s help. Oh, Bonnie’s the name of my daughter, not sure if I mentioned that. Oh yeah, and of course I’ve made the 3D printers recently, which help me print smaller plastic parts for projects and toys and whatnot. That’s really it, don’t think that I should mention anything else right now. Hope that clears it up. I’ve been a real busy guy. I love creating things. See you on your fifth night!

Fritz Glade

Option 3[]

What inspired you to start the pizzeria?

Blakebutton Show
Ah, nice. I like answering this question. Although my daughter’s the only one who actually asks or has even been given the opportunity to. I’ll let you in on a secret, not a big one, but I think it might be interesting to an outsider. The characters that you see around here weren’t originally going to be for a pizzeria! Crazy, right? They’re colourful cartoon animals with pink guitars and yellow eyes. Well, it’s true! They originally had a totally different purpose. I get nightmares pretty easily. Stupid stuff like going to the zoo or standing on a tall building. I’ll go to sleep that night and wake up in a cold sweat from a nightmare about a creepy porcelain doll. It’s ridiculous. Anyways, not a lot of medication can’t help with that kind of things so, for a few months, I tried a psychic route like... a mystic, almost religious kind of solution. It was recommended by a friend I spoke to online and it worked but, only once. The idea was that if I designed and created a scarecrow kind of ornament that was entirely designed to fight what I was having nightmares of, then it would appear in those nightmares and destroy it in a sense of the fear from its core. So, for example, if I had a nightmare of falling from a great height, then making a model of a trampoline in the real world might help get rid of that fear in the nightmare world, do you understand? Anyway, I ended up making a load of these scarecrow designs, but only one of them actually working. At that time, I heard about this auction thing going on in America. Travelled over there and ended up buying some things. One of which was a hat that used to belong to a famous pizzeria character which, caused a bit of controversy in the area. I bought the remains of an old busted robot and based the gang around it, and a box filled with the... parts. I have them here in the attic. Anyways, from there I thought to myself, "What if I started my own pizzeria and changed the remaining scarecrows into cartoon animatronics?" And well, I did! Of course, since they’re garden animals and not actually designed to fight my fears, they never really helped get rid of my remaining nightmares so I still have them. The old scarecrow designs were scrapped, can’t remember what I did to them. Quite a backstory, huh? I hope it was interesting. See you tomorrow.

Fritz Glade


After the fourth night, a minigame appears where you control Blake the Badger in a brain-shaped location. When following the indicated route, the player will get to a room with The Mangle trapped. The minigame ends when you touch The Mangle.

On The Mangle's route, you can find The Mangle's other head. When you step on it and press space six times it will trigger a special drawing of a figure standing in front of some machine filled with blood.


Simon (2016) will appear in the Staff Room (CAM 9) 342 seconds into the night. The player must press the Yellow Button on their Station to talk to him. If the player has already talked with him, Lux Blake will appear instead.

The minigame after the night is then altered. In the background, you can hear Simon spelling "H-E-R-B-A-C-K". Then, in the middle of The Mangle's route, Simon will appear chained to the wall. When Blake approaches him, she will be turned into Lux Blake. Now, when approaching The Mangle, Lux Blake will destroy it.

